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The CLD14 Mar 2011
As we move towards a final release date this week, I am reminded about one of the difficulties in trying to prepare a Thanksgiving dinner. Trying to prepare a dozen different dishes with four elements and one oven can be an ordeal
The Big Push27 Apr 2012
I know, I know, it's been too long since I've had time to blog. In my defence, I did say at the onset that I hate blogging.
Having said that, the LassoSoft team is throwing itself into high gear in anticipation of t
The Artist Developer12 Dec 2010
Today, one of my age-old theories about the fundamental nature of the Lasso programmer came into focus for me. With my title "The Artist Developer" I am not intending to use the word "artist" as in
Textmate Lasso Language Module
To enable Code Folding
Download Textmate
Documentation on Language Grammars
Bundles of Language Grammars
The following list of langu
Testing Web Applications Locally
If you're like me, then you would be using one machine (in my case, a Powerbook G4) to edit your code, run Apache and Lasso and test your sites in a variety of web browsers.
Setting up Virtual H
United Nations: Equator Initiative
When a single solution can be tied to making developing nations more productive, you're really doing something special. That's what happened when the United Nation's Equator Initiative deployed Lasso t
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Submitted By: 28 Feb 2025
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Systemation Synchronizes Training
Systemation is a learning solutions provider that helps comp
The Golf Channel Hits the Sweet Spot
If you've ever watched The Golf Channel, and you wonder how that programming-intensive "ticker" that "crawls" along the bottom of the screen stays so current, you can tee one up for Lasso
Airline Management Takes off with Lasso
Here's the scene. You arrive at the airport, You need a ticket and you have to check in your baggage, You watch as the airline's ticketing agent as he enters your information and seems to be typing en
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Recent LassoTalk Threads
Lasso 8.6 - All Headers
by Steffan A. Cline
Problems with Encode_Smart tag in Lasso 8.5 ?
by James Sheffer