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Radio Silence20 Jun 2011
As per usual with blogs - things get extraordinarily busy, one puts ones head down to get things done, time passes, writing momentum wanes, and your blog falls on its face. In my case, this was a function of the many importa
Quick iWork Pages and Microsoft Word Style Formatting
Taken from the tip of the week for June 22, 2007 this article discusses how to export text from Lasso so that it can be easily formatted in Apple's iWork page layout application Pages or Mic
Introducing Query:
Database Interaction Simplified
Presentation at Lasso Developer Conference, May 2012
by Brad Lindsay, North Carolina Hospital Association
Query is a modern replacement in Lasso 9 for the built-in inline, resultset, records/
Query Expressions
This Lasso 9 discusses how query expressions provide SQL-like capabilities within Lasso and a powerful alternative to traditional iterates and loops.
Query expressions allow data in arrays and other compound data
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Why a Rhino for Lasso?
#5 Scalability (they duplicate readily)
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Proof that not all programming languages are created equal.
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The New Pricing Metaphor10 Mar 2011
It's been a few weeks since my last post. Not exclusively because I am lazy, but also because I have been sick and have been behind the workload wave for a few weeks, with tax audits and other fun experiences.
Post-Processing Database Results Using Arrays and Matchers
This article discusses how Lasso can be used to post-process database results using array tools. The tip shows how a custom matcher can be used to filter elements from one array into a new