Name | Summary | Category |
integer_random | [ integer_random ] provides a random integer. When called with the optional upper and lower params will provide a random integer between the parameters. Lower defaults to 0 when not provided. The... | Integer |
integer_bitOr | No description available. | Integer |
java_jdbc_load | No description available. | Java |
integer->hash | No description available. | Integer |
integer->hosttonet16 | [Integer->HostToNet16] swaps the first 16 bits of an integer on a low-endian machine such as (Windows). This is an important operation for many network operations. This tag does nothing on... | Integer |
integer->hosttonet32 | [Integer->HostToNet32] swaps the first 32 bits of an integer on a low-endian machine such as (Windows). This is an important operation for many network operations. This tag does nothing on... | Integer |
integer->nettohost16 | [Integer->NetToHost16] swaps the first 16 bits of an integer on a low-endian machine such as (Windows). This is an important operation for many network operations. This tag does nothing on a... | Integer |
integer->nettohost32 | [Integer->NetToHost32] swaps the first 32 bits of an integer on a low-endian machine such as (Windows). This is an important operation for many network operations. This tag does nothing on a... | Integer |
integer->bitset | [Integer->BitSet] sets the bit specified in the integer parameter. The bit index should be between 1 and 64. Returns the result leaving the left side source variable unmodified. | Integer |
integer->bittest | [Integer->BitTest] returns True if the bit specified in the integer parameter is 1 or False otherwise. The bit index should be between 1 and 64. | Integer |
integer->bitflip | [Integer->BitFlip] flips the bit specified in the integer parameter. The bit index should be between 1 and 64. Returns the result leaving the left side unmodified. | Integer |
integer->bitclear | [Integer->BitClear] clears the bit specified in the integer parameter. The bit index should be between 1 and 64. Returns the result leaving the left side unmodified. | Integer |
integer->bitor | [Integer->BitOr] performs a bitwise Or operation between each bit in the base integer and the integer parameter. Returns the result leaving the left side unmodified. | Integer |
integer->bitand | [Integer->BitAnd] performs a bitwise AND operation between each bit in the base integer and the integer parameter. Returns the result and leaves the integer left side unmodified. | Integer |
integer->bitxor | [Integer->BitXOr] performs a bitwise Exclusive-Or (e.g. XOR) operation between each bit in the base integer and the integer parameter. | Integer |
integer->bitnot | [Integer->BitNot] flips every bit in the base integer. Returns the result without modifying the source integer. | Integer |
integer->bitshiftleft | [Integer->BitShiftLeft] shifts the bits in the base integer left by the number specified in the integer parameter. The bit offset should be between 1 and 64. | Integer |
integer->bitshiftright | [Integer->BitShiftRight] shifts the bits in the base integer right by the number specified in the integer parameter. The bit offset should be between 1 and 64. | Integer |
integer->bytes | [Integer->Bytes] returns the raw bytes for an integer. | Integer |
integer->div | [integer->div] returns a pair containing the quotient and the remainder. The LHS integer is the dividend, the RHS parameter is the divisor. | Integer |
integer->asString | The [integer->asString] method formats the integer as a string. This method replaces the [Integer->SetFormat] tag from Lasso 8.x and earlier. In Lasso 9 integers and decimals have no state, and... | Integer |
integer->dereferencepointer | No description available. | Integer |
integer->asDecimal | [integer->asDecimal] converts an integer to a decimal. | Integer |
java_jnienv->allocobject | No description available. | Java |
iterate | The [Iterate] method loops through each element of a data type, such as an array or a map. A variable is set to the value of each element of the data type in turn. This allows the same operation to... | Loop |
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