Name | Summary | Category |
generateForEach | No description available. | |
generateForEachUnKeyed | No description available. | |
generateForEachKeyed | No description available. | |
generateSeries | A generateSeries object is created automatically when using the "X to Y by Z" syntax. This object can use used in a query expressioin. | Queriable |
file_pathDelimiter | The [file_pathDelimiter] constant returns the directory delimiter Lasso uses when referencing file paths. |
File |
file_modeLine | The [file_modeLine] constant returns a value that the [file] type uses to set the file get mode to read a line at a time. | File |
file_modechar | The [file_modechar] constant returns a value that the [file] type uses to set the file get mode to read a character at a time. | File |
file_forceRoot | This method handles adjusting file paths to provide transparent access to web-root based files. It is called by the [file] and [dir] types when opening their sources.
... |
File |
file_stdin | The [file_stdin] method takes no parameters and returns a [file] object that can interact with standard in I/O stream. |
File |
file_stdout | The [file_stdout] method takes no parameters and returns a [file] object that can interact with the standard out I/O stream. | File |
file_stderr | The [file_stderr] method takes no parameters and returns a [file] object that can interact with the standard error I/O stream. | File |
ftp_getdata | [ ftp_getdata ] takes a url, along with optional username and password keywords and uses the [ curl ] object to return the requested data as determined by any options passed in the... | FTP |
ftp_getfile | [FTP_GetFile] downloads a named file from a remote FTP server via PASV mode The first parameter (required) is the URL to be fetched. This is the full path to the file, including the server name... | FTP |
ftp_getlisting | [FTP_GetListing] lists all files accessible to the current user in the remote FTP server URL folder. Outputs each file entry as an array containing the file name, type (directory or file),... | FTP |
ftp_putdata | [ ftp_putdata ] takes a url, along with optional username and password keywords and uses the [ curl ] object to put a file via ftp as determined by any options passed in the -options... | FTP |
ftp_putfile | [FTP_PutFile] uploads a local file to a remote FTP server via PASV mode. The first parameter must specify the destination URL, the full path and file name for the uploaded file. An... | FTP |
ftp_deletefile | [ ftp_deletefile ] takes a url, along with optional username and password keywords and uses the [ curl ] object to delete the requested file as determined by any options passed in the... | FTP |
found_count | [Found_Count] returns the total number of records found by a Lasso query. Note: The maximum number of records that is shown by Lasso on each page is set by the -MaxRecords tag. [Shown_Count]... | Database |
generateSeries->by | No description available. | Queriable |
generateSeries->FROM | No description available. | Queriable |
generateSeries->init | No description available. | Queriable |
generateSeries->forEach | No description available. | Queriable |
file_uploads | [file_uploads] is a compatibility layer implementation of [web_request->fileUploads]. Please see [web_request->fileUploads] for a complete description of it's usage. | Web Request |
file_serve | [file_serve] is a compatibility layer implementation of [web_response->sendFile]. The [File_Serve] method serves a file which is stored in a variable in place of the current Lasso response.... | Web Response |
File_GetSize | [File_GetSize] returns the size in bytes of a file. Accepts one parameter, the name of the file to be inspected. The file tags are protected by four different permissions. The user must have... | File |
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