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Modified Tag Name Summary Category Author
14 Sep, 2007  [lp_lasso_version] Returns the Lasso version, edition and platform in a single string. Utility Bil Corry
10 Sep, 2007  [image_scalewithin] Scales the specified image within the given dimensions. Image Jason Huck
05 Sep, 2007  [calendar_grid] Generates calendar grids. Date Jason Huck
05 Sep, 2007  [yahoo_stockquote] Alternate version of the original [stock_quote] tag. Utility Jason Huck
17 Aug, 2007  [Stress_URL] Run multi-threaded stress tests on any Lasso page. Technical Ke Carlton
17 Aug, 2007  [lp_include_url] Charset-aware include_url, returns string instead of bytes. Utility Bil Corry
07 Aug, 2007  [google_analytics] Retrieves reports from Google Analytics. Utility Jason Huck
02 Aug, 2007  [date_firstdayofweek] Returns the date of the first day of the week for the given date. Date Jason Huck
02 Aug, 2007  [zoneedit_cname] Add, remove, and list cnames for the given zone at ZoneEdit. Utility Jason Huck
02 Aug, 2007  [email_check] Checks the specified POP account for messages. Email Jason Huck
02 Aug, 2007  [email_attachments] Returns an array of email attachment data for the given message. Email Jason Huck
02 Aug, 2007  [row_count] Returns the number of affected rows from the last MySQL query. Database Jason Huck
23 Jul, 2007  [LI_UnreferencedFiles] A file management aid that displays which files in a directory are not referenced by any .lasso or .inc file. Useful for weeding out old, unreferenced files. File Eric Landmann
13 Jul, 2007  [rp_param] Gets values from pair arrays. Client Randy Phillips
03 Jul, 2007  [uploadVars] Creates vars of the upload map elements Utility Alex Pilson
07 Jun, 2007  [date_relative] Outputs the given date in relative format (yesterday/today/tomorrow). Date Jason Huck
05 Jun, 2007  [site_export] Exports the settings for the current Lasso site. Utility Jason Huck
01 Jun, 2007  [xs_url] Stores an array of url components, incorporates tags to add components, remove, or tuncate... and to return an assembled path. Data Type Jonathan Guthrie
01 Jun, 2007  [xml_nodemap] Returns a flattened map of node values from XML. XML Jason Huck
24 May, 2007  [weatherbug] Interfaces with the WeatherBug pipe-delimited API. Utility Jason Huck
24 May, 2007  [math_bearing] Returns a general compass bearing (i.e. NNW) given degrees. Math Jason Huck
24 May, 2007  [math_roundto] Rounds the first number to the closest multiple of the second number. Math Jason Huck
19 May, 2007  [site_create] Creates a new Lasso Site via ServerAdmin. Administration Jason Huck
16 May, 2007  [corporateipsum] Generates Dilbert-style placeholder text Utility Johan Solve
02 May, 2007  [Async] Runs any tag asyncronisly with params, logging and reference modifying. Action Ke Carlton
Showing 201 - 225 of 471

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