Name | Summary | Category |
dns_response | [DNS_Response] is a helper type which is used to format both DNS requests and responses. Normally a value of this type will only be returned from the [DNS_Lookup] method when -ShowResponse is... | DNS |
dns_lookup | [DNS_Lookup] performs a DNS query and returns the results in one of several formats. The method requires a single parameter which specifies the host name or IP address that should be looked up. ... | DNS |
dns_default | [DNS_Default] is a helper method which is used internally by the [DNS_Lookup] method. This method returns an array containing the default DNS hosts for the current machine. These are the hosts... | DNS |
dsinfo->action | Internal — used to specify what action a Lasso datasource should perform. Accepts an integer parameter which can be referenced using the below methods: [lcapi_datasourceInit]... | Database Registry |
dsinfo->databasename | Internal — used to specify which databse the Lasso datasource should use. Not applicable to all datasources. Accepts a string parameter. | Database Registry |
dsinfo->connection | Internal — used to determine if the current dsinfo is connected to a datasource. Returns integer boolean. | Database Registry |
dsinfo->getset | Internal — returns the specified result set from the datasource action. | Database Registry |
dsinfo->addset | Internal — used by the Lasso datasource to add a result set from a database action. | Database Registry |
dsinfo->addrow | Internal — used by the datasource to add a row from the resulting dataset. | Database Registry |
dsinfo->addcolumninfo | Internal — used by the datasource to return the column data structure from the resulting set. | Database Registry |
dsinfo->forcedRowID | Internal — used when a datasource returns a mandatory keycolumn_value. Will be returned within the current [inline] by [keycolumn_value] when no [keycolumn_name] has been specified. | Database Registry |
dsinfo->asString | Renders the current dsinfo properties as a human readable string. | Database Registry |
dir->oncreate | The [dir->oncreate] method is a special method that creates the [dir] creator methods. For creating [dir] objects, see the full description in the [dir] creator methods documentation. | File |
dir->path | The [dir->path] method returns the path the [dir] object is currently set to. |
File |
dir->resolvelinks | The [dir->resolvelinks] method returns a boolean of whether or not the member methods of a [dir] object will resolve symbolic links or not. The default value is false - to not resolve symbolic... | File |
dir->setcwd | [dir->setcwd] sets the process' current working directory path to that of the [dir] object. | File |
dir->forEachEntry | The [dir->forEachEntry] method takes a block of code that will be executed for each item in the folder the [dir] object refers to. Inside the block you can access the... |
File |
dir->isEmpty | The [dir->isEmpty] method returns a boolean value of whether the directory referenced by the [dir] object is contains no items or not. It returns true if there are... |
File |
dir->size | The [dir->size] method returns the number of items in the directory that the [dir] object represents. |
File |
dir->realpath | The [dir->realPath] method is a private method that returns the full path to a directory. It returns the full path based on the path stored in the [dir] object itself. | File |
dir->makeFullPath | No description available. | File |
dns_response->format | No description available. | DNS |
dns_response->data | No description available. | DNS |
dns_response->answer | [DNS_Response->Answer] wil return an array of answers for most DNS responses. Address lookups or reverse lookups will return an array of IP addresses or host names. MX record lookups wil return an... | DNS |
dns_response->bitformat | No description available. | DNS |
Please note that periodically LassoSoft will go through the notes and may incorporate information from them into the documentation. Any submission here gives LassoSoft a non-exclusive license and will be made available in various formats to the Lasso community.
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